Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Check it out!


Above is a link to an awesome Modern Quilt blog!  She's got some gorgeous quilts and other projects too! :)  Right now she is having a quilt giveaway also!  Worth the look!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Miniature Bride!

Courtesy  of  Tiffany Chambers Photography, here's a picture of the miniature bride from the Abbey's wedding! Ms. Laila :)

Weddings, weddings, and more weddings!

So, this past weekend was a the wedding of the cutest couple, Abbey and Philip!  I did several projects, aside from the traditional hemming and what not.  The flower girl dress and miniature bride dress were at the top of the list!  The flower girl dress what DEFINITELY not traditional but was SO perfect for the wedding.

It's not the best picture.  I grabbed a quick shot right before delivery, but it's still as cute as can be :)  As soon as I can get a pic of the miniature bride I'll post it.  OH!  and the ring bearer!!!!  I had the opportunity to make his suspenders, knickers and bow tie!   More pics coming soon ;)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


After much thought, and trying to figure out a different name, I have decided to go with "Mrs. Val's Sewing"  Several years back my friend Sara and her kids were at the house...along with 20+ other people.  Her son Marek wanted something and asked me in his "big boy" voice, "Mrs. Val Mrs.Val....."  LOL  it was so cute and has stuck ever since.  So, I thought it only appropriate to change the title of my blog. :) 

Thanks Marek!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Camera Issues

So, I was going to update with photos of the flower girl dress I have been working on.....but alas, my camera is having issues.  Or rather, I'm having issues with my camera. LOL 

However, I will post pics of things I will be selling at our church's fall festival coming up in November! :)  (those pics are already on my computer )

Monday, October 17, 2011

More pics :0)

I found some more pictures!  I'm also working on a wedding right now and the most adorable flower girl dress!!  I will definitely be posting pics soon of it!  I don't think I have ever been more excited about a dress, but for now....

Where to Begin....

Well, this is all new to me...

I have been sewing for almost 9 years.  Over the years I have learned a lot of what to do and what NOT to do!  A lot of it by trial and error and some of it by getting advice.  Asking tons of questions is just about the best way to learn. 

I have a ton of pictures I'll have to figure out how to post them.... :)

This is just a few pics of things I have created :0)