Tuesday, October 25, 2011


After much thought, and trying to figure out a different name, I have decided to go with "Mrs. Val's Sewing"  Several years back my friend Sara and her kids were at the house...along with 20+ other people.  Her son Marek wanted something and asked me in his "big boy" voice, "Mrs. Val Mrs.Val....."  LOL  it was so cute and has stuck ever since.  So, I thought it only appropriate to change the title of my blog. :) 

Thanks Marek!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Camera Issues

So, I was going to update with photos of the flower girl dress I have been working on.....but alas, my camera is having issues.  Or rather, I'm having issues with my camera. LOL 

However, I will post pics of things I will be selling at our church's fall festival coming up in November! :)  (those pics are already on my computer )

Monday, October 17, 2011

More pics :0)

I found some more pictures!  I'm also working on a wedding right now and the most adorable flower girl dress!!  I will definitely be posting pics soon of it!  I don't think I have ever been more excited about a dress, but for now....

Where to Begin....

Well, this is all new to me...

I have been sewing for almost 9 years.  Over the years I have learned a lot of what to do and what NOT to do!  A lot of it by trial and error and some of it by getting advice.  Asking tons of questions is just about the best way to learn. 

I have a ton of pictures I'll have to figure out how to post them.... :)

This is just a few pics of things I have created :0)